Evan Kiefl

Evan Kiefl


Table of Contents

I am a scientist, software developer, and amateur pool player. I enjoy pursuing tech-related hobbies, open source software, and embracing unorthodoxy. I got my PhD at the University of Chicago, where I studied the ecology and evolution of ocean bacteria. I consider myself a computational biologist, but before I wore this hat, I engaged in more physics-based research while completing my BSc at the University of Victoria. You can find more about my research at my Google Scholar page. Currently, I’m looking for work.

Below are some things that have influenced me in some meaningful way.


One major consequence of pursuing my PhD–besides having less money than my friends–has been my introduction into the world of open source software. Currently, I am one of the main developers of anvi’o, a community-driven software platform that stands on more than 90,000 lines of open-source code that support interactive and fully integrated access to state-of-the-art multi’omics data and analysis strategies. The overarching intention of the software is to enable microbiologists with the tools necessary to analyze the explosion of sequencing data that has become available in the last decade. Here is a summary of my contributions.